Idaho Haunted Attractions

Haunted Attractions in Idaho 2025

Scattered from the Idaho Panhandle to the Great Basin, Idaho's haunted attractions embrace the geographic diversity that the state is well-known for. Ranging from sprawling Haunted Mazes to deceivingly-linear Spook Walks, there are countless spine-tingling attractions to visit in the short amount of time that the Halloween season comprises. Though gemstones may be the primary reason behind the state's “Gem State” nickname, we here at like to think that the gems are in reference to all of the spooktacular destinations that residents and visitors can take advantage of. As each one provides a unique spin on haunted entertainment, witnessing and experiencing them all is key to making the most out of this Halloween. So whether you like your zombies slow or fast, your chainsaw-wielding lunatics to be silent or screaming, or your clowns to be demonic or nonexistent, is overflowing with terrifying experiences that horror fans cannot afford to miss. Check out the resources that the site has to offer, then make plans with friends to face your fears and challenge yourself at the state's most nightmarish locations.


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Requiem Haunted House
Caldwell, ID

Located in Downtown Caldwell, Idaho with over 13000 square feet of pure indoor terror, you are invited to "enter at your own risk." From the moment our concierge greets you in the lobby of our century... Read More

Lost Souls Attractions
Shelley, ID

Originating in 2004, the first memorable haunted house in Shelley started out locally in the home of Desi Richards. Desi’s love and energy for Halloween created many memories for the community. The th... Read More

Haunted Mansions of Albion
Albion, ID

Don't miss the Northwest's largest indoor/outdoor haunted attraction with more than 105,000 square feet of 100 year old ghost infested buildings! This theatrical production is part of the Historic Alb... Read More

In Your Town